When thinking about the air quality in your home, many people don’t think about the humidity levels. But just like anything else, having too much or too little humidity in your home can cause all sorts of problems, especially with the health of those living under your roof. Your AC System does play a large role in the humidity levels in your home, and if you want to learn more about how humidity can affect your home, and what you can do about it, continue reading below.
What is Humidity?
To understand the issues that humidity or lack thereof can bring to your home, it is important to first understand what humidity is. Humidity is the measure of water vapor that is floating around in the air. Having too much humidity can make rooms feel warm and moist, and while this might benefit those cold winter nights, people in hot regions such as San Antonio Texas can easily become frustrated with how uncomfortable their homes feel. Having too little humidity in your home means that there is hardly any moisture and can, in turn, cause people to feel dry and uncomfortable. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends a humidity level of around 40% and no higher than 50% in your home. Having a good balance of humidity in the home will help you breathe easier and keep you and your home healthy.
Not Enough Moisture in the Air
When the air in your home doesn’t contain enough moisture, you may experience things like:
- Dry skin
- Cracked lips
- Nose bleeds
- Random stuffiness
- Dry throat (Especially when you wake up in the morning)
- Cracks and warps in hardwood flooring or paint
If your mucus membranes (which protect your body from germs and particles) are dried out, it can make it harder to fight off infections like the flu or even a common cold. This is especially prevalent in the wintertime when the air is drier.
If you have dry air in your home, having a humidifier will make a world’s difference. You can have one that will humidify your room, or you can purchase a fan-powered humidifier for your entire home, which works by blowing moisture through the air ducts. These Humidifiers monitor and regulate the humidity in your home to make sure that those under the roof are comfortable and that there isn’t too little or too much- which is worse than having dry air. Be sure to read the directions carefully and clean your humidifier regularly to prevent things like mold.
Too Much Moisture in the Air
When your home has too much moisture in the air, your entire home will start to feel moist, or even sticky, and warm. And where there are warm/moist environments, there is most likely going to be mold. That’s right, mold can start to grow in areas of your home where there is too much moisture going on, and that can start to negatively affect the health of not only people in your household but animals as well. Signs your home may have too much moisture include:
- Condensation on windows
- Mildew smells around the house
- Rotting wood
- Stuffy air
- Mold in places like the bathroom or kitchen
- Peeling or blistering paint
- Chronic cough and unexplained symptoms of illness (due to mold)
Your AC system cools your home by removing heat and moisture in the air. If your humidity levels are excessive, your system will need to work harder just to do its job, resulting in a higher electricity bill and the potential for the issues listed above to arise. If you notice your home is humid, we recommend calling Air Authority, A Riteway Service Company, before investing in a dehumidifier, to inspect your AC system. Having a professional come out and inspect your system will allow us to:
- Determine the humidity levels in your home
- Determine if it’s your AC system that is causing the excess humidity in your home
- Make any needed repairs or install an HVAC dehumidifier system to regulate humidity and remove anywhere from 6 – 12 gallons of water a day
Addressing this issue first is a more reliable and less stressful option rather than maintaining a portable dehumidifier. A dehumidifier would be the next best option if your home is simply susceptible to humid conditions.
When it comes to your home’s humidity levels, it is important to remember that humidity can be tricky to maintain if your HVAC system isn’t working properly. If your home feels too sticky or too dry, it’s time to learn more about your home’s air quality to ensure the issues are resolved. You can call us at Air Authority, A Riteway Service Company to schedule an inspection today.