Heating and Air Conditioning in Shavano Park, TX

wning any kind of HVAC equipment comes with responsibilities such as knowing how it should function and the danger signs to look for to avoid having to deal with high utility bills. With the right information, you’ll be able to monitor your system closely to avoid spending too much money on repairs or replacements that arise from extensive damage. Even though our heating and air conditioning company is available to help you out whenever you need them, you should still know the danger signs to look for in your HVAC unit.

  • Odd smells and sounds: HVAC systems are meant to increase the air quality in a home and not reduce it. All heating and AC companies in can agree that an HVAC unit that produces a foul smell isn’t functioning accordingly. You can call us if you notice the slightest change in odor around your HVAC unit.
  • Increased repair costs: HVAC repair costs should never be more than the installation cost of a new unit. Heating, and coolling companies never charge exorbitant repair fees, but if the damage to the system is too expensive, repair costs will be higher. Pay attention to what heating and AC companies ask for after each repair.
  • Energy use: Heating and air conditioning companies in can attest to the fact that HVAC systems shouldn’t increase your energy consumption rate unless they are damaged. If you suddenly have to pay twice as much as you used to in electricity fees, then it’s time to have our experts take a look.